Runnels Soil and Water Conservation District is holding their annual fish stocking or restocking of ponds this year. The program will continue through March 28, 2019 with delivery of the fish on April 12,2019 at the Natural Resources Conservation Service office at 2000 Hutchings Avenue inBallinger. Available species are channel catfish, largemouth bass, bluegill sunfish, red ear perch,crappie, minnows (fathead or shiner), and sterile grass carp (available with TP&WD permit). Bags, air and water necessary to transport your fish to their destination will be furnished.
For more information on this year’s program call the office at 325-365-3415 ext. 3 or stop by the NRCS office at 2000 Hutchings Avenue in Ballinger.
Programs and services of the Runnels SWCD are offered on a nondiscriminatory basiswithout regard for race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, marital status or handicap.
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